Friday, May 21, 2010

Drafting your Trees

If you live and own property in Brantford, and it has trees on it, city council is going to consider a proposal this June that would amount to conscripting your trees (namely the big ones) and pressing them into service maintaining the city's tree canopy. This is meeting some pretty fierce resistance, which is good. The bad part is that the opposition is severely hampered because it agrees with the basic principle of this Orwellian nightmare; that the state has a responsibility to regulate the climate and the air we breathe.

“Tree canopy” is one of those environmentalist phrases that is indispensable to central planners, not for its scientific or biological value (it has none), but because by definition it reserves a sphere of influence for public policymakers. The objective, personal values that trees provide to their owners, such as shade, aesthetic beauty etc. is a function of private property. But if lobbyists, consultants and other special interests can persuade us that the air we breathe will be poisoned and the global climate will make the planet uninhabitable, then of course governments must roll up their sleeves and spring into action to save us all, while keeping a balance between “private rights” and the “needs” of the environment. So far the scam seems to be working pretty good. Hey, we can keep our rights intact while appeasing the climate gods at the same time!

The planners know better.

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