Sunday, October 24, 2010

10 Interesting Things to Do on Voting day, Instead of Voting

  1. Take some paid time off work (it's the law).
  2. Make this your chance to begin measuring toenail growth..
  3. Visit the polling station in your area, and take your ballot into the booth. Exit the booth repeatedly, complaining that you can't make up up your mind. Ask the staff some very specific political questions and debate the answers they give. They will appreicate your commitment to democracy.
  4. Offer to scalp your vote, , at a discount to those who have not voted, and at a premium to those who have.
  5. Enter the booth and whisper inaudibly. Simulate more than one voice if you can.
  6. Laugh while in the booth
  7. Cry
  8. Curse and swear, with frequent references to "why this has to be so difficult".
  9. Leave the staff a tip.
  10. Or, download a copy of Lysander Spooner's "No Treason; the Constitution of no Authority" to learn why voting is not merely ineffective, but makes voters tacit supporters of the crimes committed by the state in their name.


  1. I spent Nov. 5th harping on all my friends not to vote.

  2. I doubt any of them were dissuaded. Voters tend to be apathetic about the importance of electoral abstinence. 8-)
